Americans are slowly coming to realize that Elon Musk and his crew of Nazi children are out to delete America.
But they’re not learning about it from the CBS Nightly News or CNN. Indeed, much of the New York Times’ coverage of the situation downplays the severity of what’s happening. One recent, ridiculous headline went so far as to link a fascist takeover to quaint notions of the bipartisan desire to reduce government waste.
Independents Trump MSM
Other outlets are having no problem forcefully describing exactly what’s happening. David Rothkopf wrote for Daily Beast with the plain language citizens require: Yes, It’s a Coup and Yes, It’s Targeting You:
If the members of Congress understood or took to heart their oaths of office they, regardless of party, would step up and say no to the flagrant stripping away of their power. If the people understood that they are the targets of this onslaught—as they were when their voting rights were curtailed, as they were when companies and billionaires were given the upper hand in our politics via Citizens United, as the vast majority of us will be when our system is further rigged to serve the few at the expense of the many—they would take to the streets and they would not leave.
Most of MSM is downplaying the crisis with overwrought language meant to soften our appreciation of a coup taking place in real time…
Compare the Washington Post’s “Trump issues orders that critics say appear to disregard the law” to sources of information like the Brennan Center for Justice clearly and unequivocally telling us that Donald Trump is “Breaking the Law.”
Mainstream media stories describing what is happening as a coup are not being placed at the top of websites, the top of print newspapers, or the top of network television news programming. When combined with hedging language like we saw above, this amounts to an assault on America’s ability to understand and mount a response commensurate to the imminent loss of democracy.
In your daily consumption of news and social media, are you seeing pundits and influencers mention that Trump and Musk are planning to terminate the leases on ALL 7,500 federal offices nationwide? Is that being conveyed as a big deal? Are your news orgs implying to you that DOGE is a real department of the federal government when it is anything but? We’re witnessing democracy’s death by a thousand instances of zero context given to the public. Like this from NBC:
Elon Musk doesn’t run an agency, NBC News. He is illegally hacking our systems to enrich himself and do favors for foreign enemies under cover of a made up thing. You are implying to the public that DOGE has authority to do the coup. That’s a violation of any type of journalism standards and ethics.
Are your newsrooms conveying that this is all a normal part of an honest attempt at governing, as below?
Compare this coverage of Musk:
To what Musk is actually tweeting out from the disinformation machine he bought to sway global political outcomes.
Musk agrees that the ENTIRE MODERN LEFT has no voter base, all elections are rigged and fake, all MSM (the media is NOT liberal, but I digress) is without audience and is funded by the United States’ international aid department. Where are the headlines about Musk’s insane beliefs that are driving his lawless behavior?
Kudos, Jamelle
It’s not ALL bad at legacy media. Our press institutions, compromised as they may be by their status-quo loving owners, do still employ real journalists interested in providing context and truth as it accords with facts and reality. You should check out Jamelle Bouie’s piece in the Times. Though labeled as “Opinion,” it is a fact-based explainer of the dire circumstances we face as a nation.
The extent to which the United States is embroiled in a major political crisis would be obvious and apparent if these events were unfolding in another country. Unfortunately, the sheer depth of American exceptionalism is such that this country’s political, media and economic elites have a difficult time believing that anything can fundamentally change for the worse. But that, in fact, is what’s happening right now.
It’s just that it’s mostly bad, during the worst possible crisis. Essential context like that in the screenshot below is missing from most of the Times coverage. Our enemies around the world are cheering our plainly evident destruction. Put that in every article, every time. Work it into the Cooking section. Let the people know.
Non-legacy media and public interest orgs like the Brennan Center (and maybe some MSNBC pundits, but I’ll never advocate watching cable news) appear to be the only forms of journalism with skin in the game, as they report with alarm about the dire stakes of what our nation is experiencing.
I suggest following the authors that I have boosted here, Rothkopf and Bouie, as well as the Brennan Center. When we make the choice to consult sources of information that give us context and truth as it accords with facts and reality, we give ourselves a shot at a better future.
Good luck out there and stay tuned for more ways that you can find healthier information.
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