Yo yo, one way we fight back is with community and by spreading healthy, fact-based info. Drop other examples of the dire consequences of cheering for DODGY in the comments, fam.

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I have Republican familiy members. None of your “facts” are going to appeal to them. They’re essentially just your perspective, and a lot of them are still hypothetical. It’s why I’m tracking the price of groceries now because in a year, that will resonate with these people more. It distresses me as a leftist, that you’re trying the same tired trope of shouting things that clearly outrage and scare you, as you pat yourself on the back for what you see as a well played fight. But there’s no real data, only headlines. It’s hard for me to explain to my east coast Democrat friends, why people in the south aren’t turning on Trump en masse yet. To you, and to those east coast folks, you feel you’ve got a slam dunk argument and in thinking that, you just preach to your choir more loudly, whilst the church doors remain firmly shut, and the outraged chorus within remains inaudible to anyone outside.

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